AE Perafort Bike

… amb la natura i l'esport …




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One Response

  1. Musina says

    nah, I like Davis. I like Davis for reednring what Davis likes to reednr: dirty compositions to convey, well, dirtiness!I also love kurtzman or toth or bernet, but if I want a bunch of dirty kids playing in a junkyard, having crazy fun, I’m going to go for Davis.And to convey crazy crowds or extreme sports, I’m going to choose Davis over Toth (rest in piece, my favorite comic artist) or Bernet, tho not over kurtzman which shows me that this is not really a graphic simplicity argument so much as expressing a personal preference, which is fine. Kurtzman has some great ‘simplicity’ drawings, but their appeal on a similar subject matter reednrs them about equal to Davis, imo, not less. Jack’s drawing might have him reednr more than he needs to, but I think he does it a bit better, so I usually find Kurtzman and Davis almost a stalemate. I think they woulda been a better comparison than Davis and Bernet.Some like vanilla and hate chocolate. I’m down with both.